In 2015, Heideldesign temporarily relocated to Nosara, Costa Rica. While the scenery was certainly different, the workload carried on. In addition to taking care of our clients in the US, Lee and his wife Ginger also carved out time to volunteer at SIBU Sanctuary.

SIBU’s mission is to protect the native howler monkeys that roam the trees of that once sleepy surfer town. As that enclave has become more popular, the trappings of humanity have crowded the howlers. The animal’s biggest nemesis is electricity transformers. SIBU raises money to provide covers for these hazards to prevent burning and death. For monkeys already affected, they are provided shelter, medicine and lifelong care.

In addition to donating time preparing food and feeding the monkeys, Heideldesign also took the reigns of revamping the sanctuary’s long-neglected website. The goals were simple:

The SIBU website is regularly streamlined by staff and volunteers to make sure the most essential information is communicated.

Over the last few years, the site has taken on an increased focus on daily actions that residents can take to preserve habitat, raise awareness and discourage predators.

Plus, look at these cuties!

howler monkey

wait… You Don’t Own An Animal Sanctuary?